For some reason I can't write a well formed review today, so here are my thoughts on The Green Hornet:

This sounds kind of mean, but Cameron Diaz is getting a little old to be the hottie love-interest these days. I really liked her as the mom in "My Sister's Keeper" and she should be looking to do more stuff like that. In all fairness, they do make fun of her age in this movie. Seth Rogan says "we'll have to install a ramp" when she reveals she's 36 during her interview. I laughed.
One of my favourite more recent movies is Inglourious Basterds, I loved Christoph Waltz in it and thought he more than deserved the Oscar for his role. With that being said, I was looking forward to seeing Waltz in another film, but knew The Green Hornet would not provide him with an Oscar winning performance. I liked listening to his voice in this movie, but he wasn't very funny, and a pretty one-dimensional villain, all not his fault though I would say. Kudos to him for trying a comedy.
The action was a little much, ok a lot much. There was a huge fighting scene at the end with lots of guns and stuff, and I found it entirely unnecessary. There was also not a lot to the plot, if there really was one - it was just kind of establishing characters and setting up for the conflict at the end. And I never really got how the "pretending to be bad, but doing good" really accomplished anything at all.
Seth Rogan was funny enough, but there are way better superhero movies out there.
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