Russell Brand was incredibly witty and charming, and his way of delivering dialogue is really funny and clever. Helen Mirren was the perfect fit and balance to Russell, and it was nice to see Jennifer Gardner in the antagonist role (though she is not very convincing). Greta Gerwig, who plays Brand's love interest Naomi, was completely forgettable.
Overall, it was a cute movie with funny moments. The plot was simple and formulaic, nothing happens that you can't see coming, but Brand and Mirren are great together, their relationship is so interesting and heart-warming, and you really root for Arthur to do well. This may sound ridiculous, but this movie was a little too PG for me, it could have been a little more outrageous. It wasn't funny enough or interesting enough to keep my guy's attention - I'm pretty sure he fell asleep.
Russell Brand is charming as always, but maybe wait to rent this one.
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