You may remember Andy Serkis as Gollum in The Lord of the Rings films, and Simon Pegg is gaining notoriety for his comedy, and can most recently be seen in that alien movie Paul. Both Serkis and Pegg are perfect in their roles. Unfortunately, Isla Fisher and her story line were kind of annoying, and her accent was not very successful. Also, Tim Curry has a small role too but I kind of found myself begging for more scenes with him in it. He has such a magnetism it was certainly a pity to give him such a small role, I think he would have been more suited as Dr. Knox.
The movie begins with a screen that says: "This is a true story... Except for the parts that are not" ...if that is any indication of the type of movie you are about to watch. Also watch until the end of the picture credits because there is an interesting twist that will make you want to do some research afterwards. Yes, there was actually Burke and Hare murders in the 1820's, and yes, 17 people were actually murdered, but who's to say that the real Burke and Hare weren't as sympathic as the movie ones?
And who's to say murder can't be funny?
I lov Simon Pegg, I have to check this movie out! Murder is also funny in his movie "Hot Fuzz" which is a parody of any action-cop-drama.