Anyways, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was a really interesting movie, it was smart and patient and strange and dark. It was also a little bit more adult than I expected, and am used to. There were boobies and sex and a jarring rape scene. Nothing wrong with some adult content, but I thought it was worth mentioning that it's no PG-13 movie.
Rooney Mara's Lisbeth is complex and puzzling, and we get a lot of insight into her character by the end of the movie. The same can't be said for Daniel Craig's Mikael. He comes off as one-dimensional, and his character doesn't show any growth, but he's definitely easy to look at and is a good actor.
It's a long movie, and while the first half was ok, things didn't heat up until about an hour and a half in when Lisbeth and Mikael start working together. And the last 20 minutes was good information to include, but it just seemed kind of trite after the emotional revelations of the previous hour. The final scene, though, is what will keep me excited for the next movie. The crime solving was fun and interesting, but what happens between Lisbeth and Mikael proved to be just as important to the story, if not more so.
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