Friday, February 3, 2012

The Ides of March

The Ides of March looks into a political campaign, a Democratic primary, where Steven (Ryan Gosling) looks to secure his candidate's win (George Clooney) while carrying on a relationship with Molly (Evan Rachael Wood). It's more complicated than that, and also stars Paul Giamatti, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and Marissa Tomeii.

Politics isn't really my thing. I find it difficult to follow, and it just doesn't really interest me. I struggled to turn this movie back on to watch the second half while the new Twilight movie was calling for me to watch it instead. A persevered, and finished this one. And it wasn't bad, if you can make it through all the political stuff, this movie poses some really interesting questions about morality. We should know something isn't quite right with Steven's ideals when he still wants Morris (Clooney) to win, even after he knows something immoral about him. Maybe it was never about Morris winning.

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