Like the majority of the movies I watch, I didn't watch the newest installment of Pirates all in one sitting. It's a long one, and I watch movies at night usually, and turn them off to sleep. Anyways, the point is, is that this is the first movie in awhile that I seriously considered not finishing. Lucky for you (?) I didn't have much else to watch, so I did finish it, and here's my review!

Starring Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruze, on this episode of Pirates of the Caribbean everyone is looking for the fountain of youth. And that's about it. The first hour is full of silly fights and typical adventure music, but nothing much happens. To be honest here, I can't remember if I've seen all the Pirates movies (though I do remember seeing one at the theatre - maybe Dead Man's Chest?), I couldn't even tell you how many there are, but the first hour felt like all the past ones. Johnny Depp being tricky and silly, people chasing after him, etc. etc. My general thought was "This is lame". Luckily, Penelope has an enchanting accent, and like I said before, I had nothing else to watch.
The second half was moderately better, the mermaid thing was pretty cool and the missionary was cute, and ok, blackbeard was kind of cool too, but this movie just felt really half-assed plot-wise. Everything was overacted and over done. It sounds like Johnny's going to keep making these movies as long as the money is there, but the franchise has gone stale if this movie is any indication for the movies to follow.
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