I'll try to summarize Source Code without giving anything away. If you've seen the trailer, it's about some guy who gets to (has to) repeat the same eight minutes until he finds a bomb and the person who planted the bomb on some train. I'll leave it at that, but also mention it stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, and that married chick from the airplane movie with George Clooney (sorry if I ruined that for anyone).

The premise of this movie was really interesting and smart, it didn't feel gimmicky or outrageous, but almost believable at times. I was, however, kind of disappointed with what parts of the plot were made a priority. Jake finds the bomb and the terrorist really easily, I kind of thought those things were important and the way it happens seems kind of swept over. Instead the movie focuses on the relationship between Jake and Michelle, and Jake trying to figure out where he is and why. The more I think about it though, the latter is what makes this movie so interesting and so much more than your run-of-the-mill sci-fi action. The love stuff I could take it or leave it, but I guess he needs some motivation to keep on going.
What I thought was the ending (without ruining it, but also to let you know the part I am talking about) where everyone on the train freezes, I was happy with. I don't always need a sappy happy ending to make the movie satisfying. And I kind of groaned in cheesiness when I could foresee the neat and tidy happy ending coming when the movie continued past the part I thought was the ending. But I was pleasantly surprised, yes there was some cheese, but the way it ended left much more to think about than if it would have ended when I thought it did.
Source Code is an original thinker that you will probably enjoy. There are holes in the reasoning and science they are asking us to believe, the explosions are kept to a minimum, there is no high-speed car chase, but you leave feeling that this movie delivered enough action, romance, and thought-provoking plot to be successful on all those levels.
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