I didn't know a whole bunch about this movie before hand. Dianna Agron from Glee is in it, and that's about the reason why I wanted to see it. I figured it would be an actiony-love story, but what I didn't count on was how science fictiony it would be.

This movie is pretty big on cheese, you can tell just from the opening scene that it's going to be some sort of X-Men rip off. And that's kind of what it was, it reminded me of X-Men, Ghostbusters, a little bit of Superman too. In a word, it was campy. There were actual parts where I giggled because it was so silly - one guy dies and then dramatically closes his eyes, hair is meticulously messy, and then perfect once the bad part is over. There are corny one-liners like "I play a lot of x-box" and "I told you to stay tuned".
There was a little bit of mystery at least, you didn't know if the dog or that girl was good or bad for the majority of the movie, so that keeps you guessing. Dianna Agron was adorable and Alex Pettyfer was delicious. The special effects were reasonable and the bad guys were a strange mix of creepy and weird. All in all, don't expect a sophisticated movie, but I would probably watch the sequel that it sets itself up for at the end.
A big campy ball of cheese.
I love cheeseballs. Delicious with crackers.