I would say that 30% of the movie was back story, 50% was action, and 20% was new plot information. As someone who had never seen the original TRON, I appreciated all the back info and even found it really interesting. Despite this, I still found myself confused at times, but it was nothing that I couldn't guess or assume or found out later. The action was good too, I'm all for a good jet fighting scene or running away from the bad-guy scene. However, I'm not going to lie, I did start to doze off towards the end and had to rewatch the last 10 minutes, I think it had something to do with the monotony of the action. I also find that action movies can be subject to cheese, I guess it's just a product of circumstances. This movie did have its share of cheesy lines ("but I would give it all up for just one more day with you" etc.) I just snickered and moved on, the cheese was mostly forgivable, except the ending, that was pretty cheesy.
As someone who had seen the original, my Dad's first impression after watching the movie was that "there was no plot". After he mentioned this I could totally understand that - the story is: the kid goes looking for his dad, finds him, and tries to get him back home, that's. about. it. Of course it was jazzed up with awesome special effects and I was too busy trying to figure out the back story that I didn't immediately notice the lack of the right-now story, which is probably what Disney was hoping for.
Solid performances from Jeff Bridges, cutie Garrett Hedlund, and hottie Olivia Wilde. I am also a fan of James Frain from The Tudors and True Blood, so it was nice to see him in this strange role.
A virtual action/adventure for the whole family!
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